Ingrediente pentru o forma de panettone sau o tava de briose (pentru minipanettone)
- 2 oua + un galbenus
- 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
- 500 g faina
- 40 g drojdie proaspata
- 100 g zahar pudra
- 200ml lapte cald
- 200 g unt moale la temperatura camerei
- 150 g coaja de citrice confiata
- 100g de lapte pentru uns
- 2 linguri fulgi de migdale
Se bat ouale si galbenusul cu vanilia.
Intr-un castron incapator, se amesteca faina, zaharul si jumatate de lingurita de sare.
Drojdia se dizolva in laptele cald, apoi impreuna cu ouale se adauga in castronul cu faina.
Se amesteca toate ingredientele cu o lingura de lemn, pana se obtine un aluat moale si lipicios.
(eu din comoditate am folosit mixerul de mana si a iesit la fel de bun :-)
Se acopera compozitia cu o folie de plastic si se lasa la dospit intr-un loc calduros pana isi dubleaza volumul.
2. Se captuseste cu hartie de copt forma de panettone.
Untul, fructele si coaja de citrice se amesteca in aluat, de preferat cu mainile.
( iar am folosit mixerul, lipsa de timp si comoditate :-)
Se pune in forma de panettone sau se imparte in parti egale in tava de briose.
Nu se umple pentru ca va mai creste, dublu sau chiar mai mult.
Se lasa din nou la dospit la cald, aproximativ 2 ore.
3. Cuptorul se incinge la 190°C. Cu o pensula, ungem panettonele cu lapte si presaram deasupra fulgii de migdale. Se coace timp de 25-30 min pana prinde o culoare aurie.
Atentie! depinde de cuptor, daca folosim o forma inalta de panettone, dupa primele 10 minute coboram temperatura la 180° chiar 160° ca sa nu se arda deasupra si sa se coaca in interior (se face testul cu scobitoarea)
Pofta buna ! e incredibil de simplu si gustos, si arata senzational! ambalat intr-o folie aurie e un cadou cu care veti impresiona la masa de Craciun nu veti mai cumpara produsele din supermarket cu valabilitate la infinit :-)
Montag, 16. Dezember 2013
Dienstag, 26. November 2013
Dienstag, 12. November 2013

Eingestellt von
Paula Berger
Mancare traditionala romaneasca,
Retete romanesti,
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Paula Berger

About Me
Welcome to my culinary universe!
I am an artist passionate about cooking.
I like cooking, arranging the food I prepare in a spectacular manner, decorating the plates, taking photos and of course indulging with my family and friends by tasting the delicious treats.
I am a cheerful and communicative character and I like partying with every occasion, I think they are life's happy fillers.
In my early years, before the 89 events people used to spend a lot of time together, they were more united and shared with great generosity everything they had. It was like a live FB, surely the older ones know what I am talking about.
I hope that with every post on the social networks I can break the patterns in which the Romanian Kitchen is set as lacking authenticity or struggling for its own identity. I am also intending to break the misconceptions about the Communist times , when some people falsely report that due to lack of and rationing of certain foods people had nothing to eat- this is wrong! The mothers and grandmothers of our generations worked out miracles in their kitchens only on vry basic ingredients : the fruits of an extremely rich land.
The recipes on this blog are traditional, varied, with simple and natural ingredients.
I know that according to the new tendencies more and more of my friends adopt new styles: veggie, raw,etc...frightened by the diseases of the century that make more and more victims. Each is envisaging a spiritual transcending towards immunity in fron to diseases.
I have read and tried during time many nutrition styles and weight loss diets to arrive, at present, at a balanced diet without excess. I am convinced that the no. 1 enemy of health are the "long labels" with a series of hormones, preservatives, additives, sweeteners, flavour enhancers, stabilizers and emulsifiers, etc. and another dangerous enemy that many don't take notice of - the sedentary lifestyle !
So, let's enjoy together the warm cabbage rolls with cream, the steak cooked in wine, the grilled "mici", the "saints" dipped in syrup and rolled through honey and walnuts, the chocolate or walnut cake of Sanda Marin or the flower sherbets so loved by the Romanian princesses.
Let's fill our glasses with the legendary Cotnari wine and toast for our health and love life!
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