Una din cele mai mari soprane ale lumii, implineste astazi 90 de ani. La multi ani, Virginia Zeani !
Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015
Dienstag, 8. September 2015
Romania is for many westerners a place of mystery. In fact, many people might even have a hard time finding it on a map. Yet it is a land rich in culture, with a unique heritage. Paula Berger – artist, writer and cuisine reviewer – has created a beautiful illustrated cookbook that was inspired by a Romanian story written by Ion Creanga,The Little Purse with Two Pennies.
Paula Berger has entitled her book, The Little Purse with 200 Recipes. It is illustrated with photographs of food that are so gorgeous you can practically see the steam rising off the dishes and smell the incredible aroma of the cooked food. At first glance, the bold colors and dense detail looks very much like Jan Brett’s picture book illustrations. But a closer examination reveals that while there are elements in common, Paula’s work is uniquely her own while drawing upon traditions suitable for this particular project. Each chapter of the book is headed up with an original picture showing one of Romania’s story book characters or traditional stories and followed up with Romanian cuisine.
All of the work on the book is done by Paula and her husband, Holger. She has created a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to pay for 1000 copies of the book to be printed, with enough above that to take care of the campaign costs. When printed, the book will ship anywhere in the world. With only 1000 copies planned, collectors will need to request their copy early.
The term collectors is used here because this is a beautiful little book with incredible illustrations. Paula Berger has been collaborating with food magazines, and has work published both online and off. A visit to her website, will reveal an incredible talent. This is not your average regional cookery book. It is a true enogastronomic art work.
If you have not previously encountered the term, enogastronomy is the practice of traveling from one country to another, sampling their food and drink. This book reflects the rich history and natural resources of Romania. To fully appreciate this lovely work, let’s take a look at Romania.
The country is east of Hungary, and its western border opens out on the Black Sea. To the south, you will find Yugoslavia and Bulgaria; to the north is Chisinau and the Ukraine. The terrain includes the Carpathian Mountains, access to the Black Sea and the Danube River and Danube delta where it empties into the Black Sea. This means that the natural land has rich hunting and fishing resources, as well as being an area where both grain and grapes are grown. Country dinners are traditionally rich and elaborate, with a wide variety of foods.
Rewards for pledging to this crowdfunding campaign includes postcards and tote bags imprinted with Paula’s beautiful artwork and photographs, as well as art work and signed copies of the book. This is a book that you will want to keep on your coffee table for guests to enjoy – not in the kitchen. Which is not to say that the recipes are not tasty – if they taste as good as the appearance of the sample photographs indicate, they will be a gastronomic delight.
Donnerstag, 3. September 2015
Eingestellt von
Paula Berger
Mancare traditionala romaneasca,
Retete romanesti
Eingestellt von
Paula Berger
Mancare traditionala romaneasca,
Retete romanesti
Eingestellt von
Paula Berger
Mancare traditionala romaneasca,
Retete romanesti
Eingestellt von
Paula Berger
Mancare traditionala romaneasca,
Retete romanesti
Mittwoch, 2. September 2015
Eingestellt von
Paula Berger
Mancare traditionala romaneasca,
Retete romanesti
Eingestellt von
Paula Berger
Mancare traditionala romaneasca,
Retete romanesti
Dienstag, 1. September 2015
Eingestellt von
Paula Berger
Mancare traditionala romaneasca,
Retete romanesti,
Culorile Toamnei ! Chiftele de Sparanghel
Chiar daca timpul recoltarii sparanghelului a trecut, se mai gaseste de cumparat la supermarchet.
Iata o reteta de pregatire a sparanghelului un pic altfel decat clasicul sparanghel fiert cu sos olandez.
Reteta este din Cartea de Bucate a Sandei Marin, publicata in 1936.
-1kg sparanghel
- 2 l apa
- 2 linguri faina
- 2 linguri branza rasa
- 1 lingura unt
- 3 oua
- 3 linguri ulei
- 1 ceasca smantana
- sare, piper
Pentru chiftele se prefera sparanghel cu firul verde si subtire.
Se curata, se fierbe in apa cu sare dupa care se lasa la scurs.
Se trece prin masina de tocat carne.
Se adauga faina, branza, o lingura de unt, ouale puse pe rand si se sareaza dupa gust.
Se amesteca totul impreuna, va iesi o pasta groasa ca o smantana.
Se ia cu lingura din compozitie, se da drumul intr-o tigaie cu ulei incins si se rumenesc pe ambele parti.
Se aseaza apoi intr-o forma rezistenta la foc.
Se toarna deasupra smantana amestecata cu o lingurita de faina, se presara branza rasa.
Se dau la cuptorul incins la 180° timp de 1/2 ora.
Chiar daca timpul recoltarii sparanghelului a trecut, se mai gaseste de cumparat la supermarchet.
Iata o reteta de pregatire a sparanghelului un pic altfel decat clasicul sparanghel fiert cu sos olandez.
Reteta este din Cartea de Bucate a Sandei Marin, publicata in 1936.
-1kg sparanghel
- 2 l apa
- 2 linguri faina
- 2 linguri branza rasa
- 1 lingura unt
- 3 oua
- 3 linguri ulei
- 1 ceasca smantana
- sare, piper
Pentru chiftele se prefera sparanghel cu firul verde si subtire.
Se curata, se fierbe in apa cu sare dupa care se lasa la scurs.
Se trece prin masina de tocat carne.
Se adauga faina, branza, o lingura de unt, ouale puse pe rand si se sareaza dupa gust.
Se amesteca totul impreuna, va iesi o pasta groasa ca o smantana.
Se ia cu lingura din compozitie, se da drumul intr-o tigaie cu ulei incins si se rumenesc pe ambele parti.
Se aseaza apoi intr-o forma rezistenta la foc.
Se toarna deasupra smantana amestecata cu o lingurita de faina, se presara branza rasa.
Se dau la cuptorul incins la 180° timp de 1/2 ora.
Eingestellt von
Paula Berger
Mancare traditionala romaneasca,
Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2015
155 years ago… one afternoon the 10th of june, in a city on the left bank of the Danube - Braila, Romania… a frail and delicate little girl was born, eyes dark as olives… she would later become the Glory of National and International Theatre : the Legendary Soprano Hariclea Darclee – the "Nightingale of the Carpathians".
An unsurpassed myth, talented genius that inspired great composers like Verdi, Puccini, Gomes, Gounod, Leoncavallo, Catalani, Mascagni, etc.....this great artist fills an unique position in the universal history of opera.
Hariclea Darclee in rolul Elisabetei din opera Tannhäuser de Wagner - premiera Teatro alla Scala Milano, 1891.
In 1900 Darclee was the first Floria Tosca and especially for her Puccini created one of the best arias in the lyric repertoire "Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore".
Dienstag, 9. Juni 2015
Eingestellt von
Paula Berger
Mancare traditionala romaneasca,
Retete romanesti
La implinirea a 155 de ani de la nasterea Legendarei Soprane Hariclea Darclee, prima interpreta a Floriei Tosca de Giacomo Puccini, am pregatit un desert clasic din bucataria romaneasca: Prajitura Tosca.
Pentru Blat:
- 8 albusuri
- 250 g zahar
- 100 g mac
- 100 g nuca de cocos
- 3 linguri de faina (75 g)
- 1 praf de sare
- 10 g praf de copt
Pentru Crema:
- 8 galbenusuri
- 200 g zahar
- 1 plic budinca de vanilie
- 400 ml lapte
- 200 g unt moale
Pentru Topping:
- 120 g biscuiti Petit Beurre
- 200 ml cafea cu lapte sau capuccino
- 200 g ciocolata cu lapte
Albusurile se bat spuma tare cu un praf de sare.
Se adauga treptat zaharul si se mixeaza ca la bezele, pana cand zaharul e topit iar spuma e stralucitoare si nu cade de pe tel.
Incorporam pe rand macul, nuca de cocos, apoi presaram faina amestecata cu praful de copt in ploaie, amestecand cu grija de jos in sus pentru a nu se lasa albusurile.
Turnam apoi compozitia blatului intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt (dimensinile 30 x 25 cm) si introducem in cuptorul preincalzit la 175°C.
Se coace timp de 30 minute, se testeaza cu scobitoarea pentru a fi siguri.
In timp ce blatul este la cuptor, se pregateste crema astfel:
Intr-un vas de pus pe foc se amesteca galbenusurile cu zaharul iar separat se amesteca plicul de budinca cu 4 linguri de lapte.
Restul de lapte se pune la fiert, apoi se toarna treptat, fierbinte, peste compozitia de budinca, amestecand bine.
Se pune la fiert, la foc mic, pana se ingroasa crema. Se amesteca permanent cu telul ca sa nu se prinda.
Cand compozitia s-a racit, se amesteca impreuna cu untul la temperatura camerei.
Cand blatul de la cuptor s-a racit, se toarna crema si se niveleaza deasupra.
Se aseaza apoi stratul de biscuti. Acestia se trec rapid prin cafeaua cu lapte, astfel incat sa fie moi in exterior si fermi in interior.
La sfarsit topim ciocolata la baine-marie si o turnam peste stratul de biscuiti. Nivelam cu paleta pana sa apuce sa se raceasca.
Prajitura se pune la frigider pentru cateva ore, apoi se taie cubulete si se poate servi. (Pentru a taia perfect stratul de ciocolata se incalzeste usor lama cutitului)
Pofta buna !
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Paula Berger
About Me
Welcome to my culinary universe!
I am an artist passionate about cooking.
I like cooking, arranging the food I prepare in a spectacular manner, decorating the plates, taking photos and of course indulging with my family and friends by tasting the delicious treats.
I am a cheerful and communicative character and I like partying with every occasion, I think they are life's happy fillers.
In my early years, before the 89 events people used to spend a lot of time together, they were more united and shared with great generosity everything they had. It was like a live FB, surely the older ones know what I am talking about.
I hope that with every post on the social networks I can break the patterns in which the Romanian Kitchen is set as lacking authenticity or struggling for its own identity. I am also intending to break the misconceptions about the Communist times , when some people falsely report that due to lack of and rationing of certain foods people had nothing to eat- this is wrong! The mothers and grandmothers of our generations worked out miracles in their kitchens only on vry basic ingredients : the fruits of an extremely rich land.
The recipes on this blog are traditional, varied, with simple and natural ingredients.
I know that according to the new tendencies more and more of my friends adopt new styles: veggie, raw,etc...frightened by the diseases of the century that make more and more victims. Each is envisaging a spiritual transcending towards immunity in fron to diseases.
I have read and tried during time many nutrition styles and weight loss diets to arrive, at present, at a balanced diet without excess. I am convinced that the no. 1 enemy of health are the "long labels" with a series of hormones, preservatives, additives, sweeteners, flavour enhancers, stabilizers and emulsifiers, etc. and another dangerous enemy that many don't take notice of - the sedentary lifestyle !
So, let's enjoy together the warm cabbage rolls with cream, the steak cooked in wine, the grilled "mici", the "saints" dipped in syrup and rolled through honey and walnuts, the chocolate or walnut cake of Sanda Marin or the flower sherbets so loved by the Romanian princesses.
Let's fill our glasses with the legendary Cotnari wine and toast for our health and love life!
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Blog Archive
September 2015
- Romania is for many westerners a place of myste...
- Pig Feet with Cabbage - Ciolan de porc cu varza
- Deer Goulas - Gulas de Cerb
- Chicken with sour cream - Pui cu smântână
- Roasted pheasant with chestnuts - Friptura de faza...
- Sarmale - Cabbage Rolls
- Moldavian Breaded Meat Patty - Parjoale Moldovenesti
- The Little Purse with 200 Recipes
- Chiftele de Sparanghel la cuptor
- Bun venit, toamnă ! Pui cu bulion de caise
September 2015
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